Nautilus Marine Insurance completely understands the special insurance needs of the million dollar cruiser or yacht owner. We know that it’s those little things which really count. It is the cover which we provide for your clients and their guests expensive personal effects, the boat’s fine wines, treasured artworks, prized entertainment equipment, laptop and expensive house wares, that sets our Master Mariner policy apart from the rest.
Our Master Mariner* plain English policy offers:
- market leading competitive rates;
- $10,000 cover for personal effects including clothes, manchester and waterproof gear;
- $15,000 art works and collectibles cover;
- ship’s tender (incl PWC) no excess cover;
- $10,000 cover for all fishing, ski and dive equipment;
- $2,000 travel home costs;
- 24 hour/7 day a week nation wide incident and claims service.
- (terms and conditions apply)
Features include:
- Personal effects – automatic cover up to $10,000 including sun glasses, watches, jewellery up to $500;
- Artworks & collectables – automatic cover up to $15,000 (max $2,500 per item with $100 excess);
- Fine wines and alcohol – up to $500;
- Food spoilage – perishable food items up to $500;
- Fishing, diving, waterskiing and aquaplaning equipment cover up to $10,000 (maximum of $1,000 per item);
- Travel home costs – reasonable costs up to $2,000 for the immediate family following a claimable incident;
- Ambulance cover – up to $2,000 emergency cover to transport family or professional skipper;
- $10 mill public liability cover including PWC’S.
- Ship’s tender – extended cover includes water skiing;
- Computer or Lap top – kept onboard if stolen or damaged;
- Machinery breakdown – such as a sudden and un-foreseen loss of or damage to your boat’s motor/s and or refrigeration;
- Loss of occasional commercial charter hire income;
- Painting of the entire side of a damaged hull when colour matching to the damaged area would normally have been satisfactory;
- Bottom inspection following running aground, no excess applies;
- Precautionary measures – up to $5,000 cover for moving your boat out of harms way if it is in danger;
- Emergency towing and service – up to $5,000 for delivery of emergency fuel or towing to the nearest safe location;
- Repairer’s negligence – extended cover for any loss or damage to your boat caused by repairer negligence.
Nautilus Marine's management team has more than 100 years industry experience across Australia. This has enabled us to generate a fresh approach to boat insurance, by developing custom tailored market leading policies written in plain English that provide broad coverage for luxury cruisers, pleasure runabouts, yachts and fishing craft.
Please contact your BDM for more information, or for policy support materials.